MMSTECH037: Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Foundation

Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Foundation


Microsoft Office Excel 2010 is the latest offering of Microsoft’s powerful and easy-to-use spreadsheet program. Excel is a popular tool for creating spreadsheets, analyzing data, and charting information. This new version of Excel incorporates a number of tools to help new users enter and analyze data quickly and efficiently.

This Foundation level is intended to help all novice computers get up to speed quickly. Understanding and experience with printing and using a Web browser is an asset, but not required. No previous experience with other versions of Excel is necessary. This manual will also help more experienced users who have little to no experience with Excel 2007 and the ribbon interface.


Getting Started

This section teaches students everything they need to know about opening, interacting with, and closing Excel. In this section, students will learn about workbooks, worksheets, file types, and how to navigate around a spreadsheet. The Help feature is also covered in detail.
The Excel Interface

In order to get the most out of Excel, students need to know where to find commands. This section covers the basics of the Quick Access Toolbar and the basics of the Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, and Review tabs. A high-level overview of each tab and associated command groups is included, along with exercises that experiment with some of these commands.
Excel Basics

This section will teach everyone how to do day-to-day things in Excel. Topics include creating worksheet labels, printing, using features like AutoSum and AutoFill, and how to perform the ubiquitous Cut/Copy/Paste operations. Students will also be given a gentle introduction to using formulae, using Paste Special, dealing with advanced paste operations, perform Find and Replace operations, and how to check their spelling.
Editing your Workbook

Now that students have had a chance to work with the basics and are comfortable with the interface, this section will teach them how to make Excel do more than just display black and white data. Students will learn how to modify cells and cell data, perform a number of cell formatting operations, and use styles and borders. Students will also get a comprehensive introduction to creating and modifying different types of charts. Finally, students will learn the importance of relative and absolute cell referencing.

Printing and Viewing your Workbook

This final section will help students display their data in different ways. Topics include an in-depth examination of the View tab, how to work with multiple worksheets at once, and finally how to print their final product. At the end of this section, students should be well on their way to becoming a competent every-day user of Excel.